Thursday, January 16, 2014

“Beloved”, Original figurative art piece of Mary Magdalene and Christ, she is wearing a red sarong, he is near death in a tree, she is wearing a crown that makes reference to Isis, 30” x 58”, Oil on Linen.

Linda Dalton Walker Contemporary Artist, Original figurative art piece of Mary Magdalene and Christ, the painting was inspired after reading Elizabeth Cunningham’s book “The Passion of Mary Magdalene,” She is wearing a red sarong and a blue crown that makes reference to her connection to her worship of Isis. He is near death in the tree, similar to Osiris, “Beloved,” 30” x 58”, Oil on linen, $4,000.00


“The sweet, spicy fragrance grew stronger, leading me to the central pillar of the mountain temple, the pillar called The Tree, and it was a tree a huge tree rooted deep in earth, stars in its branches, and its great trunk grew around a wound, a hollow that held his suffering body, not in a coffin, but fixed to the stark, dead tree of my terrible visions.

… “Beloved!” my voice rang above the mountain. “This is my Beloved!”

Passion of Mary Magdalen
Elizabeth Cunningham

To purchase this painting or for more information  CLICK HERE

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